Thursday, July 2, 2015


Predictably I got food poisoning within hours of being in CPH. I shook it in about 24hours later and headed out to one of the five record shops that my phone told me inhabited the great city. The was the first and without a shadow of a doubt the best shop I found on my travels.

They had a fair amount of sealed deadstock which I haven't seen in Europe in a long time. They fluctuate the prices based on consumer needs, which is fair but it can mean they are left with some unusually well stocked shit dividers.

The jazz section was huge but mostly bad 80s fusion, Stanley Clarke, Kenny G... No really and such. The rest of the A-Z was something of what we call a mixed bag.

Whilst I don't necessarily want this to turn into a blog about nearly shitting myself in record shops, thanks to the previous day being spent face or rear-end exploding into porcelain, it would have been nice if they had had facilities. As it was I managed to control myself, sucking up my stomach and viewing each gut based creak with utter mistrust.

The real highlight here was the just in section/s that take up the front of the shop. Here you get to flick through the new additions with one eye on the beautiful Danes as they cycle past on there way to spend the equivalent of $90 on a loaf of bread.

Despite the cost of living in Denmark (With no word of a lie I spent a tenner on a pint in one place, and it wasn't a strip joint). The records here at least were fairly priced and I came away with a few.

Unfortunately the visit to Accord came smack bang in the middle of my weird Floyd multiples phase so all four of those albums were by Pink Floyd (who I hold mostly in contempt) and three of them were the same album... 'Cows', or Atom Heart Mother as it is commonly and I believe incorrectly known: One Japanese, one Canadian and one Danish.

As you can see above they appear to have a conference room. This room, in the basement is chock full of remainder stock, duplicates and the kind of shit that you really should bin... And if there is an Acker Bilk revival I will gladly take those words back.

I'm not entirely sure I was supposed to be in there but am glad I was if only to see the below expert reworking of Bowie's Scary Monsters sleeve. It was seven quid, I still can't decide if it was insanely over priced or the bargain of a lifetime. Anyway, if you have ever wondered what David might have looked like with a blue biro beard and glasses, wonder no more...

If you are in Copenhagen do two things. Drink cocktails as they are a cheaper and more efficient way of getting drunk and also visit this record store because it was wonderful.

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